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Agora of Pamukkale’s Hierapolis is one of the major areas in this ancient Greco-Roman city that formed the social marketplace politically and commercially as well. Hierapolis lies close to Pamukkale and is in present-day Turkey, was an urban center of the Phrygian region and later became a crucial center of the Roman Empire. On a daily basis, the Agora occupied a crucial place in the life of the inhabitants.

 The Agora was the grand central of the city of Hierapolis in which residents conducted trade engaged in various businesses, and market services on one another. It was the center in which all economic and political activities encompassed the markets and festivals. It acted as the city market in which buyers and sellers engaged in businesses. In the present day, the surviving structures of the Agora in Hierapolis are among the places of interest for the tourists who visit Pamukkale.

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